Monday, July 27, 2020

Old Sol

Edward Hooper
Morning Sun

Today is the hottest day of the year, hitting 90 for the first time. Heat advisory warnings on the news this morning reminding us to drink water, etc. Are people really so stupid?  (Short answer, yes.)

Actually, the biggest warm weather danger here is people jumping into freezing rivers and lakes. City beaches along the lakes are closed, no lifeguards, but crowds are still flocking to the water.

As John says, when your front yard looks like San Diego, who needs a vacation? (Short answer, me.) I planted the Windmill Palm about 20 years ago when it was a puny little thing in a gallon container.

An arborist once told me that "palm trees grow very slowly in Seattle." Ha. Not in this yard. This guy is at least 30 feet tall. I love how the fronds rustle in the wind, and when I close my eyes, it brings back memories of carefree tropical vacations.

 And who wants to think about this scene in July?

1 comment:

  1. Consider a trip to the tropics when things are 'normal'. I think Alaska has flights to PV
