Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Buzzin' of the bees

That's a volunteer sunflower that just appeared out of nowhere, probably sprouted from last winter's bird feeder mess. We're at the peak of summer perfection this week-- a pleasant 80 or so degrees yesterday. 

It's "too hot" for some Seattle natives, but heaven on earth for warm weather lovers. My poor sister and Dad are baking like cookies in the Las Vegas 110 degree oven. Now that's hot.

In the late afternoon, we sit in the afternoon sun with a glass of wine and watch the teeming insects busy with the flowers, oblivious to the cares of the world. Both us and the insects.
Thank you, Wine. Thank you, Nature.

Speaking of Carl Sagan and his "billions," that's surely the number of tiny creatures inhabiting this one small yard, above and below ground. I'll never understand why some people feel the need to poison the entire insect society, just to get a few pesky critters like aphids.

When you look closely, there's so many different varieties of bees and bumblebees. Also dashing hummingbirds, flocks of chattering Bush Tits, Northern Flickers and Scrub Jays plus Stellars Jay. Usually these guys don't get along, but they're working it out. (We could take a lesson from that.) Chickadees are everywhere and the sweet Bewick Wrens. And of course, our resident Leporidae, hopping around looking for apple cores and carrot peels.

Are birds singing louder because the streets are quieter? Or do we just notice them more, being home so much. 

The garden is at the full blown peak of summer, you might say "blowsy." I love that word, sometimes rudely used to describe an older, ill-kept woman. Hum. The flowers are about to turn the corner to messy. Flopping daisies, bloomed out lilies. Soon I'll start the long cutting back process that stretches into November.

What else is new in the Garden of Eden?  The new hot water tank stinks. Not the lovely hot water, but the tank makes a slight but unpleasant odor in the laundry room, noticeable when the door is closed.  Not to sound alarmist, but it is gas, so today the installer returns to check it out for any problems. 

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