Saturday, July 25, 2020

Weekend sweet

It's nice to see Maya and Nova still have a few toys. Ha!  Amanda said they're using Google Earth on her laptop to look at our house in Seattle. That qualifies as educational.

"Nica" and Maya relaxing.

The saintly "Nica" enduring playtime with bored little girls. This is the good-bad dog that barks at strangers, jumps up, disobediently runs away on walks, and chases deer for miles in the wild. Yes, short of reform school, they've tried everything in the training department.

Of course, she always manages to find her family again on the trail. She's submissive and gentle with the girls, not a mean bone in her body, the ranch-bred mutt has some redeeming qualities.
She is what she is.

And two perfectly obedient children, cleaning the kitchen?    :-)

1 comment:

  1. Tell Amanda to try to find our house on Google Earth; it is easier to find the condo
