Friday, April 3, 2020

No news is good news

I'm impressed. Someone managed to grow these Crown Imperials (Fritillaria imperialis) in their front yard. I tried some bulbs once and they were an expensive flop. Yesterday I walked down a different street for a change of view. The spring flowers are beautiful right now, but hardly anyone outside to appreciate them.

The weather has been cold for April, with that sharp eye-watering breeze. Next week it's supposed to warm up, and I can work more in the yard.  Just weeding, because I have nothing to plant. Where will I get geraniums this year? Wild horses couldn't drag me to Costco.

Today is Friday, but it doesn't really matter.  The days are pretty much the same, except for Thursday when we go out and buy food for the week.

Our governor extended the stay-at-home order for the state of Washington for another month at least. So many people are suddenly out of work and the economic suffering just starting. Local food banks rely heavily on volunteers, many of them over 65, so while those folks stay home the National Guard stepped in to distribute food. Good for them.  How lucky we are, not having to worry about basic essentials.

If there's a glimmer of hope, the number of cases seem to be leveling off slightly in Washington. So take heart, one day at a time.  Have a good weekend, such as it is.


  1. It was very cold this morning. I went for a walk around 9:30am and got a chill I still can feel. Gorgeous photo!

  2. Meteorologist Cliff Mass said on his blog that March was colder than January in Seattle! Still, that fresh air is a good thing.
