Thursday, April 30, 2020

Home sweet something

I think we purchased this sofa about 25 years ago. It still looks good, although it's had more use in the last 3 months than all those years combined.

I lay there reading and listening to music, messing with my laptop in the early morning while John is still asleep (like now) and sometimes take a nap during the dullest part of the day-- early afternoon.

It isn't even all that comfortable, but I can't bring myself to get in bed in the middle of the day. You just don't do that unless you're sick, and thank goodness we're not.

Here's a picture of my friendly bunny, taken from the bedroom window yesterday. Life would be sadder without our birds and little wildlife sanctuary. 

Not much "sofa time" yesterday, according to my FitBit, I walked a respectable 10,000 steps. Note to self: harder feeling sorry for yourself when you're busy.

I took a morning walk and then worked outside in the afternoon. The garden is beautiful from all that attention. Inside, we've been cleaning out old files, weeding the huge CD collection, organizing stuff. Endless stuff.

If the thrift stores ever open again, there should be a bonanza of new donations. Everyone I know is cleaning out to some extent, with some stress to relationships. One spouse takes it out, the other puts it back. Or vice versa. Ha!  Everyone stuck at home-- a good time to take stock of what we have squirreled away.

Anyway, no end on sight for the Washington State stay-at-home orders, which were supposed to expire next week. A few restrictions are eased, like access to state parks and recreation. Everything else "non-essential" remains closed. Which is just about everything. Another month of bad hair days.

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