Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Old and precious

I read an article in the paper this week saying Christmas tree quality is especially good. Last summer was cooler and wetter than our previous scorchers so the trees are less stressed, and hopefully drop fewer needles. I'm sorry, all real trees are messy affairs.

This is a Frasier Pine and one of the nicest trees we've ever had-- so perfect it almost looks fake.  It's really very beautiful, decorated with traditional ornaments.  Just about everything left is delicate and special, with a story or travel memory attached.

A few ornaments go back over 60 years, like the handmade zeppelin that once hung on our German Grandma's tree in Pennsylvania. I was younger than Maya then, but I remember her crocheting around an old light bulb. We called the fellow riding underneath "The Kaiser" and thought he was hilarious.

Honestly, when I see all those bins of decorations down from the attic, I wonder, can I do it AGAIN? So much work! But then I tear into the boxes, and before long, everything finds a little place in the crowded house.

My Tijuana nativity set, a big splurge when I bought in the 1970's.
 The plaster set we played with as kids in the 1950's. By some miracle, only the main characters unbroken.
The delicate celluloid Santa, who incredibly, survived over 70 years of little hands.

And funny old things collected over the years, not valuable, but carefully saved through so many moves and life changes. I suppose most of it will wind up in a Stop n' Shop someday. But in the meantime, cherish the moment. What celebrating Christmas is all about.

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