Sunday, December 15, 2019

December 15

Today is National Lemon Cupcake Day. Marji's preserved lemon peel made these humble cupcakes special. Honestly, I'm not much of a baker.

The quiche turned out OK, but why did the crust stick to the pan like glue? It was much better for breakfast this morning, go figure. Anyway, everyone said they liked it, and what a nice time we had visiting. Such a dear group of precious friends.

Our old craftsman house is small but pretty, and decorated at Christmas, I have to admit, quite beautiful. The tree is covered in heirloom ornaments. No one could understand how I could possibly want to move somewhere else.

Like some sour Grinch, I pointed out things like my kitchen "pantry" in the far corner of the basement, endlessly carrying laundry up and down steep steps, the tiny bottleneck of a kitchen, lack of parking, the noisy, built-up neighborhood, and so on. It fell on deaf ears. 

Well, sometimes it helps to see our familiar, taken-for-granted things through the eyes of others. Surely the secret to happiness is hanging on to your dreams, and at the same time, appreciating what you have at the moment.

You might wonder what does this dream house of mine look like?  How about a low-slung ranch style adobe, with a spacious floor plan and private courtyard. Birds. Fountain. Quiet. A sunny climate wouldn't hurt, either.

This is definitely not Seattle.

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