Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Suddenly, dark mornings

Well, look over yonder, that's some real rain headed our direction. It looks more like a fall storm. In fact, it's snowing in northern British Columbia now.

This rain is just a one day wonder, then we go back to dry, warm weather. The parched garden will be happy and me, too. My biggest outside chore (watering) is winding down for the year.

We've had a beautiful summer in the Northwest and other than a few hot days, no complaints, especially compared to the rest of the country where people are still being scorched and/or drenched. The Dog Days of August are pleasant here when it isn't smoky from wildfires, with dark cool mornings and a slight haze in the air that says fall is coming.

I have a bowl of ripe peaches and plums ready for a batch of "Washington Chutney," a recipe I've been making since the 1980's.  Canning is getting to be more of a chore, especially standing for long periods of time doing the prep.

Our grandmother canned hundreds of quarts on a wood stove in the hot Pennsylvania summer, so what's a few half pints on a gas range? I can't recall Grammy ever complaining, and she worked all day long. Persevering food for the winter is just what you did-- no one would think of wasting any home grown produce.  Or any part of the pig, for that matter.

Canning is a good job for tomorrow, especially if it's raining. After that, things get busy. On Thursday I pick up the girls, and they're spending two nights here. Their first stay alone without Mom and Dad, and we're all excited to have them.  


  1. I suspect that Grammy did all that canning without complaint because she knew if she didn't, food might get a little scarce during the winter.

  2. So true! She had six kids, and the farm also fed an large extended family through the Great Depression.
