Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Exasperating begonias

In our cool spring climate, months go by and those Costco tubers you bought in February just sit there. The impatient gardener digs down in the pot to "check" on them, and usually knocks a bud off.  Eventually some come up, and then do nothing for a few more months.

Suddenly, you have a glorious looking plant, just in time for the rains to wreck them. Quite a show, but remind me not to bother with begonias next year.

We've having a beautiful stretch of weather, dry with highs in the 70's.  Of course, being Seattle, some people are complaining about the heat. But the early mornings are dark and cool, and the August light has that soft cast that means fall is just around the corner.

We enjoyed our recent travels, but it feels so good being home sleeping in our own bed. And after so much restaurant food I've been cooking up a storm on the grill: vegetables, lamb chops and salmon this week.

I bought one of those copper grills screens on summer close-out at Bartell's for $2.  They're the latest rage, but I was skeptical until I used it on a delicate piece of salmon. It worked perfectly and just rinsed clean. 

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