Friday, August 16, 2019

Flying things

The tree company didn't show up until 2 o'clock, which ordinarily would be alarming, starting a big job so late in the day. But with four strong men and a caravan of heavy equipment, including a giant cherry picker truck, they were done in a couple of hours.

This is the third year we've used Blooma Tree Company. Yes, they are expensive, but totally worth it, compared to all the stress and fuss of the landscapers we've endured over the years.

Taming the Leyland Cypress trees

Actually, there was one bit of drama, when they ran across a hornet's nest on the top of the hedge. Of course the hornets flew around in a tizzy, but no one was stung, and they were finished with that part anyway. 

But the brawniest man (there's always one) tried to shoo them off by waving a rake in the air. Then he found a large winged insect on the grass, and proclaimed it was the "queen" of the hive with a large stinger.  Wrong. Well, you don't need a PhD in entomology to rake up hedge clippings. 

I captured the big creature in a jar and identified it on the Internet-- just a harmless Wood Wasp. Harmless I guess, if they don't chew up your fence or something. She was such a pretty thing I set her free in the ferns.  That is not a "stinger" it's her egg-laying thingy. John says there are probably plenty of expensive Seattle exterminators we can call later.

We're home this weekend with no particular plans at this point. My that feels good, after all the travel.  Next week will be very busy, with the girls coming to stay with us for a couple of days after their family backpacking trip in Olympic National Park. Hopefully some pictures later. 

Have a good weekend!

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