Monday, January 7, 2019

Interesting weekend

 Comfort food deluxe

The last time I made a homemade turkey pot pie was December 15th, 2009.  Is that possible? John would call that sad.  I only know this date because I searched back on the blog.

Turkey pot pie is a kitchen job for a long boring winter afternoon, if you have the perfect ingredients on hand, including leftover white meat and (most importantly) a good amount of homemade gravy. 

Not hard cooking, just labor intensive.  Start by sauteing diced vegetables.
Add a can of chicken broth...
Thicken it slightly with flour paste and simmer until the vegetables are barely tender.
Add your leftover gravy.  This is wonderfully dark and flavorful because I de-glazed the roasting pan.
The filling is ready.  On to the crust(s).
Betty Crocker recipe from scratch, tried and true: butter, flour, salt, ice water. No fancy food processor in this house.
Always a double crust, so the pot pie has that luscious, buttery, gravy soaked bottom.
Finally! Ready to bake until brown and bubbly.
You'll want to dive right in, but it needs to set up for at least a half hour. Not to mention, danger of scalding your mouth as you gobble it down.

Well, a good dinner was some consolation for watching the Seahawks lose their big play-off game in Dallas.

Then late Saturday night, we were hit by a brief but fierce windstorm (60 mph gusts) that knocked out power for about 4 hours.  We rarely lose power in our neighborhood, and never for that long.  We can use our gas range with a lighter, but not the furnace. It was chilly and dark.  And frustrating, because right acroos the street out neighbor's lights were on. We were on one of the "unlucky" power grids in West Seattle.

About the time John brought up his large assortment of lanterns and lit a Duraflame in the fireplace, it came back on.  Gives you more appreciation for the simple things we take totally for granted.  Like electric coffee pots.

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