Monday, September 11, 2017

Water, water everywhere

Except for bone dry Seattle.  I didn't water the grapevine this summer (I never do) and the few grapes it produced are shriveled up from lack of moisture. Now, that's dry weather. There's going to be some disappointed raccoons on the block, but I could care less about a few sour grapes-- I never do anything with them anyway.

The weekend passed pleasantly, except for the hurricane anxiety and concern for our relatives affected by it.  As far as we know, everyone is OK, but there will be some stories.

We went to a nice 60th birthday party on Saturday and the rest of the weekend was consumed watching television storm converge (me) and watching football (John.) Two games, best forgotten asap. And how many idiot reporters have to stand in wind and rain to show that hurricanes bring bad weather?

This has been a fabulous summer for growing vegetables, providing you water them, of course.   The flowers hog up all the prime real estate in my beds, but we grew dozens of hot peppers just from two potted plants. And hundreds and hundreds of cherry tomatoes from one big pot. It takes a while, but I'm finally getting tired of eating them.  So it goes with a glut of garden produce. Oh, what I wouldn't give for the taste of a sun-warmed cherry tomato when January rolls around.

Oh yes, I also cooked up an enormous batch of salsa with a generous gift of tomatoes from our friend Terri's garden.

I froze it in small containers instead instead of dragging out the canning paraphernalia.  I hope we like it because I made enough to last about 6 months! I can always use it up in Mexican meat stews and chili.

Finally, some sweet pictures Amanda sent me of Nova and Maya having fun at the Okanogan County Fair this weekend.

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