Thursday, September 28, 2017

Almost heaven

The weather is absolutely glorious, as only late September can be.  I know my life sounds like a long string of la-di-da liesure days, but I worked too hard this week, both inside and out.  My heart was tired. So for a treat, I took the ferry to Vashon Island yesterday to ride Moe.

Those tiny lumps off in the distance are the mighty Olympic Mountains-- not very imposing without their usual snow.  I've never seen them so dry and brown, but that's about to change.  We'll have rain and much colder weather by the weekend.


I enjoy riding with friends, and there's the safety factor of course, but nothing compares to the peace and solitude of a solo ride with a good horse on a nice day. No need to make conversation or do anything really, except pay attention and enjoy nature in the present moment.

My riding buddy Marianne is off on a horseback vacation in the Greek Islands. I was invited to go with the group of local ladies, and you're probably thinking, what an old stick-in-the mud to turn down a trip like that!

They'll have adventures and stories to tell, but that's an expensive 20-hour journey to the other side of the world, just to ride a strange horse on an strange island. Especially when I have a perfectly good one,  just a 20-minute boat ride away.  I know, where's my sense of adventure? But really, how could riding ever get any better than this?

"Some luck lies in not getting what you thought you wanted but getting what you have, which once you have it you may be smart enough to see is what you would have wanted had you known. ” 

Garrison Keillor
Lake Woebegon, U.S.A

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