Friday, September 15, 2017

New kid on the block

Western Scrub Jay

It's unusual seeing new bird species in Seattle backyards these days. Sadly, my bird list from the 1990's is full of interesting birds like woodpeckers, grosbeaks, wrens and pine siskins. Oh, the things we once took for granted...

Yesterday morning I noticed a large, light blue bird in front of the hedge.  I assumed it was Stellar's Jay, but this new guy didn't have the signature flashy head crest.

My go-to bird ID book is the 1996 edition of "Birds of Seattle," but I couldn't find a picture like him.  Weird. So I cast a wider net in the "Birds of the Puget Sound Region" and there he was: Western Scrub Jay.

Portland was once the northern end of their range, but like Californians, they're invading from the south, following a landscape that’s urbanizing and opening up. They like our drying climate and the oaks we've planted as street trees. Humans have basically laid out a path for their expansion. 

I got out the welcome wagon and threw him a handful of Costco almonds, which he gathered up pronto. One of the most intelligent birds, Western Scrub Jays have a brain to body mass not far behind ours, and they can remember over 200 different food caches.

Well, we're headed North with the jays this weekend, looking forward to our mini vacation in Victoria, BC.  My computer is taking a staycation, but I'll be back on the blog next week with some new pictures.  Have a great weekend. 

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