Monday, July 3, 2017

Summer days

We're in the middle of a beautiful stretch of summer weather.  The mornings are cool but the clouds usually burn off by mid-day.  We don't have sweaty humidity, scorching nights, bugs, mosquitoes or any of those summer annoyances people suffer through in other parts of the country.

Statistically, the fourth of July holiday in Seattle is usually wet, but not this year.  We could use some rain actually, since I'm watering almost every day.  But who's complaining? Summer here is short but perfect, and all the gloomy months forgotten.
Marianne and I took a ride Friday on Vashon Island.  Moe is a nice 23-year-old Quarter Horse I ride occasionally. They describe him as "bomb proof," although I never use that term-- it tends to make the rider complacent. All horses are unpredictable by nature. 

Having said that, nothing much ruffles old Moe, including motorcycles, bicycles, trucks, smoke, airplanes, firecrackers or even deer jumping from bushes, which terrifies most horses out of their wits.  He has a nice, quiet way of going along with whatever I ask him to do.  So I have to admit, he's about as "bomb proof" as you're going to get.

On the other hand, my friend Marianne's horse tends to be nervous so I always lead on our trail rides, which is fine with me.  Moe and I set the pace (slow) and the direction (mostly wandering in circles.) The wooded park near Misty Isles Farm is filled with loop trails, so there's no need (at least in my mind) for any particular destination or goal.  A lazy ride through summer woods is as good as it gets.

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