Wednesday, September 21, 2016

News of the day

This ugly scene caused an outrage back in February. The City of Seattle announced this week they are suing several homeowners $1.6 million for cutting down 150 trees on an environmentally sensitive slope above the Duwamish. This fancy West Seattle neighborhood is not far from our little bungalow, but it might as well be another planet.

Maybe these people thought they would get away with it, to improve their multi-million dollar view.  Anyway, the homeowners are playing innocent and blaming the contractor they hired to "clean up" the hill.  But the city attorney intends to make an example of them. We take our public trees pretty seriously here.

And Bertha. Well, she's been keeping a low profile because she has only mined 104 feet in September, opposed to 745 feet in August. WASH DOT says the speed is based on conditions and now she is moving through "abrasive" soil requiring lots of inspections and repairs on the drill head.  But on the bright side, it looks like we're about half way to the finish line.

Can you believe today is the last day of summer? And it's going to be nice in Seattle, with bright blue skies and fall temperatures.  I planted the tree rose in the ground and it's having a last hurrah for the season.

I've been moving kinda slow this week after the long road trip. For example, I'm having trouble getting out of bed and turning off this time-sucking computer!  I'm driving out to North Bend to see my barn friends and we have a steak for the grill tonight.  That should energize me. A perfect way to end the summer.

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