Sunday, September 4, 2016

Pleasant Labor Day labor

I have no idea what "organic blood meal" is and don't care to Google it and find out.  It's expensive, although I bought this bag at Bartell's for 75% off, along with some other end-of-season stuff. I read somewhere that bone meal was the perfect fertilizer for fall bulbs. I don't know anything about blood meal, but it certainly smells "organic."

Those big bags of bulbs that Costco sells for $12.00 are the best deal in town.  My blue hyacinths were pooped out, and I've inadvertently dug up or slashed though most of the tulips, so it was time to plant more.  The Costco quality is good, if you get them out of the plastic bags and planted before they rot.

Planting fall bulbs is an act of faith. It's about believing in next year, and that you (or someone else) will be around to enjoy these flowers.  But Spring seems long way off on a warm September afternoon. What will winter bring?

We've had a beautiful yellow tree rose growing in a pot for years, but I finally had to put it in the ground.  And instead of scattering them around the yard like polka dots, I planted all 50 red tulips in the same area. We can see it from the bedroom window.

Stay tuned for a picture next April, if I'm still blogging along...

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