Friday, July 1, 2016

Imperfect, impermanent, incomplete

"Wabi-sabi (侘寂) represents Japanese aesthetics and a Japanese world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of beauty that is imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete."

Which sounds very sweet until you fall through a rotted board and break your leg. These wabi-sabe outdoor stairs have endured many feet and wet winters since 1994, and it's time to replace the treads.  

I thought it would be simple one-day job. A good opportunity to try out a new "handy-woman" service in West Seattle called Amyworks, Inc.  Oh, a lady gets tired of doing business with patronizing male contractors. I was impressed how courteously and quickly the work was scheduled with Amyworks.

But nothing is ever that simple around here.  Carpenter Carrie found that all the stringers were also split and rotted. Meaning, both staircases have to be ripped out and completely rebuilt.  Bad news for us, good news for Amyworks, Inc. Ca-ching.  

The two women carpenters worked hard all day yesterday, but they could only get one partially finished. Being a holiday weekend, they can't return until next Tuesday.

So we have to take the long route around the house from the front door to the trash can for several days.  Well, who cares?  The garden is drop dead beautiful right now -- a chance to stop and smell the roses.

We're looking forward to a quiet weekend, or as quiet as it gets on the Fourth of July in Seattle.  For excitement, we might go out and shop for a new refrigerator. Taking the wabi-sabi route. 


  1. Happy 4th of July. I hope you're both well, strong, happy and not too wabi-sabi. Hope to see you soon. Candi

  2. Our fridge just decided to upchuck its compressor. Another week of eating out or lots of peanut butter sandwiched. Not what we needed at the moment.
