Sunday, July 17, 2016

National Ice Cream Day

Ice Cream Day is always the third Sunday of July.  The holiday was created by Ronald Reagan in 1984 to promote the dairy industry.

The Republicans did not invent ice cream. Thousands of years ago, people in the Persian Empire would pour grape juice and other flavorings on ice brought down from the mountains.  In ancient times, it was a treat for royalty only.

Before modern refrigeration, when people had "ice boxes" in the kitchen, making ice cream was only for special occasions.

In early America, ice was cut from lakes or streams in the winter and stored under sawdust or straw in ice houses.  Many farmers and plantation owners did this, including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

Speaking of modern refrigeration, this is our new Kitchen Aid. We passed up the frills, like an ice maker, and a computer screen on the door to flash when you are running low on eggs.  This one looks almost retro in our old small kitchen.

I really like the pull out freezer on the bottom, and having the stuff you need at eye level.

Since our bedroom is a few steps from the kitchen, we're still getting used to the slightly louder and slightly different noise it makes. Or rather I am, since it would take a lot more than a new fridge to keep John awake at night.

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