Thursday, March 10, 2016

When the red, red robin

The sweet robin was chirping this morning through the wind and rain, poor creature.  It poured all night, one of those nasty storms that beats on all the windows at once.  I had an unpleasant dentist visit yesterday and couldn't sleep.

Hey, what is "modern dentistry" anyway?  They still stick sharp things in your poor mouth and drill around with hideous sounding tools, just like they did 50 years ago. The only thing missing is that bowl we used to spit in.  I suppose that's progress.

You probably heard about the gas explosion in Greenwood, a neighborhood north of us.  Thank goodness it happened in the middle of the night.  Seattle is a patchwork of many small neighborhoods, one of the things that makes the city special.  For example, this is the North Seattle area, and you can see Greenwood to the left of middle. These natural gas catastrophes can happen anywhere, a sobering thought.

For me it's just been a pretty dull week of closet-cleaning and dental visits,  but better things are coming.  Rain or shine, I'm going to the barn tomorrow and spend time with the new quarter horse Dolly brought in for a trial.  Then this weekend, Miss Amy Trotter appears at the Seattle Kennel Club Show!  Now that's something to look forward to.  I wonder if a picture with the celebrity is too much to hope for?

On Sunday, we're having lunch with our friends Betsy and Paul before we go to the Symphony together. They are world travelers.  I have to share this delightful photo Betsy sent me from their recent trip to India. Can't wait to hear all about it.

Sahib and Memsaab

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