Saturday, May 12, 2012

I brake for yard sales

The Mother of all yard sales is today-- the West Seattle Community Yard Sale event with over 200 separate sales within just a few miles of our house.  Whoa! The only question I have to ask myself is: what am I going to get rid of if I bring this new thing home?  John was looking nervous on the eve of the big event. Wild horses could not drag him around the neighborhood to poke through other people's old stuff.

Of course there isn't anything we need in our crammed little house but there's always an excuse to shop when you have grand kids.  A new baby will need warm clothes next winter. (Not that there's any danger of him/her having to go naked.) But Nana's toy box could always use a few new surprises. And so on.  I'll tell you about the haul next week.  But now the sun is coming up in perfect blue skies so I'm going to make a fortifying waffle breakfast and hit the trail. Give me a call if I should be on the lookout for anything :-)


  1. I hope your first purchase is a little red wagon to haul your purchases in. Have fun!

  2. Whew! Forget the little red wagon, I came home at 2 when the HONDA was full. It was a riot-- can't remember having so much fun. John would have lasted about 5 minutes so left him at home. Some of the streets were completely clogged, the entire neighborhood turned into a flea market. Nothing better than having an excuse to shop for adorable little clothes and toys.
