Friday, June 11, 2010

Wilson's warbler

It isn't often I get to add a new bird to my Life List, but last week we saw this little guy on the power line in the backyard. The Wilson's Warbler is here just for the summer, and my Seattle bird book says they like "well-planted backyards." In June and July during nesting season they're secretive and conceal their nest sites. Hopefully they made one in our overgrown laurel hedge. Their song is described as a "hearty chatter."


  1. So Suzy, do you share your list? Come visit us north or south and I bet you can add a few more entries.

  2. My list has been almost static for about 5 years. So sad. Hey, once you cover the common city guys, it slows way, way down. I'm ready for new feathered conquests! Time to get out of Seattle.
