Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How is Sizzle?

Some of you have been asking about Sizzle, and I wanted to thank you for your kindness. Unfortunately, she still isn't used to her new "correct" bite. Since food is her favorite pastime, the problem hasn't been the desire to eat, but rather the mechanics. In other words, normal now feels abnormal. Everyone says she'll eventually figure it out, although it's been dragging on longer than usual, and my vet has never seen anything quite like it. But Sizzle is old and set in her ways, and despite all we think we know about them, horses are still a mystery. One reason why we love them so much. In the meantime she isn't hungry, and can eat her favorite foods: pellets and soft alfalfa hay. (Most horses are crazy about sweet alfalfa-- it's as addictive as McDonald's is to kids.)

But more trouble was on the way this week. She suddenly became colicky, requiring another vet call and some scary moments. Colic just means a bad belly ache, which sounds trivial but is serious in horses. It works like this: what goes in the top end must travel a very long way and come out the other, and much can go wrong along the journey. If things get blocked up-- well, you get the picture. Did you know horses cannot regurgitate? OK, maybe a little too much information. She pulled through, everything else is normal for a horse her age so I guess the rest is up to her. John always likes to say if you don't have enough trouble and worry in your life you should get a horse! He may be right. Keep your fingers crossed...

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