Thursday, October 5, 2023

Mum display


A perfect ball of bloom courtesy of Costco, glowing in the slanting October sun. An ancient flower and according Wiki, chrysanthemums were first grown in China in the 15th century BC. 

Relatively easy and rewarding to cultivate, there are now over 20,000 varieties. They come in an amazing variety of sizes and shapes, which usually happens when humans take on artificial breeding. Think dogs.

Mums symbolize different things in different cultures. In some parts of Europe, they represent death and are used only on graves. 

D.H. Lawrence wrote a short story called "The Odor of Chrysanthemums" which talked about the "cold, deathly smell" in the room after the coal miner’s body is brought home. (Don't read unless you are already depressed.) But here in the U.S. mums are just anther cheerful fall flower. 

What else is new? The stores are full of Halloween stuff, in some places already cheek-to-jowl with Christmas. I found this weird little terracotta pumpkin head at the Goodwill, and can't decide if it's cute or just creepy on my desk. Probably why someone gave it away.

Last but not least, here's what crispy tacos should look like. You know those hard shells that shatter into pieces with the first bite? If you take the trouble to hand fry corn tortillas, which I seldom do, wow what a difference. Especially filled with leftover spiced-up sirloin steak.


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