Monday, October 30, 2023

Day of the Dead


They held a Day of the Dead celebration at Twisp Works yesterday with candles, singing and music. People made a shrine with photos and remembrances of loved ones recently lost. 

Seems like there is always something going on in this community. I walked by on my way to the house last night but didn't stay long. It's been very cold although sunny, with the low October sun right at blinding eye level.

Needless to say, Halloween is a big deal in Twisp and great excuse for a party, with one street in particular the destination for trick-or-treating and bonfires. The kids are excited and lots of planning always goes into costumes. 

 Pumpkin carving last night...

Maya and her best friend Kate are dressing up as gruesome zombie dolls. I'm not sure about Nova. I always seem to miss the actual holiday here which is a shame. I'm going back to Seattle tomorrow to hand out candy to big city kids. As long as I can stay awake.

There is snow on the hills around town now that will stay until May. In town, the frigid air on your face brings that exciting but slightly ominous feeling of winter closing in fast. What will it bring? Even an "average" winter is harsh going for people and animals in the Methow Valley. 

This afternoon I'll probably sit outside by the river and watch the leaves drifting down one more time. Then carry the beach chairs up to the garage before they are buried in snow. We still come occasionally through the winter, but it obviously depends on the weather and driving conditions.

One thing I'll say about our beavers is they are quite tidy creatures and cleaned up after themselves. At least they use what they kill and you can't blame them for stocking their larder. They know winter is just around the corner.

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