Saturday, December 24, 2022

The smart money



The worst ice event in a decade shut Seattle down yesterday. All forms of transportation ground to a halt. The smart money stayed home. 

Just how slippery was it?  So slick that parked cars slid down steep hills all by themselves! Naturally, some folks ventured out anyway, causing hundreds of car accidents. The emergency rooms soon filled with people who fell down. Merry Christmas. One guy actually skated around the Wallingford neighborhood on the thick glaze of ice.

Well, the ice storm is history this morning, other than the damage left behind. It warmed up quickly yesterday afternoon, and soon we heard the happy sound of ice crashing down everywhere.  

My poor pretty olive tree, the three main branches were bent almost to the ground. If it survives, it will never look the same. Which reminds me of Robert Frost's wonderful poem, "The Birches." 

After all the preparation and anticipation, Christmas Eve still has a way of sneaking up. Italian food for us tonight. A well-stocked pantry and freezer means I don't have to rush to the grocery store with thousands of people this morning for frantic last-minute shopping. After the storm, the shelves are probably picked bare anyway.

Dear friends and family, have a warm and safe holiday.

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