Thursday, October 6, 2022




Meet the "West Seattle Ukulele Players." This was taken last Thursday at the South Seattle Community College Arboretum. Now that the bridge is open, many of these folks drive over from other parts of the city. The group keeps growing. 

The big gazebo held everyone and was a perfect outdoor setting on a beautiful fall afternoon. A lively, happy jam-- we had a terrific time. As I mentioned, some of these players are quite good and performed together often before the pandemic.

This afternoon we're meeting again on Alki Beach, which is not as ideal for outdoor playing. The bad thing about dry weather this time of year is morning fog, that may or may not burn off by afternoon. This morning looks like another murky soup of ground fog and smoke. Still unknown as to where we'll meet when the weather truly turns to winter. 

I finally got all the ukulele song books loaded on a old iPad we had laying around. One more thing to keep charged but a good use for it. Well, I did it with John's help, as some of the email links needed some serious tinkering around.

So, I don't have to balance big floppy binders on my flimsy music stand. I can fumble with an iPad on my music stand like everyone else. You would be amazed (maybe) how long it takes to get 20 people "on the same page" to start each song. 😅 All part of the fun group dynamics.

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