Sunday, June 20, 2021

Desert Solstice


The desert, when the sun comes up. 

I couldn't tell where Heaven stopped and the Earth began.

Ton Hanks

Intense light at 7 am, and the brightest it will be for another 12 months at this hour. Today is the Summer Solstice.  It's hard to believe (and accept) we start the long, slow process of declining daylight hours until December rolls around.  But as usual I'm getting ahead of myself-- one day at a time.

It was 93 (the day's low temperature) when I went for a walk. Less than a mile, no big deal, but I forgot the canteen and was feeling it when I got back to the house.  A few more blocks and I might have been in trouble. Dumb northerners. 

We are pretty much under house arrest from the heat. An odd feeling, because from inside it looks like a perfectly nice day. But stepping outside is walking into an oven and common sense (hopefully) drives you right back into the air conditioning. Over 112 again today. 

Happy Father's Day!  Here's the family patriarch, enjoying his Cheerios and banana this morning.

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