Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Feelin' droopy

The fig tree leaves are about to drop all at once. That makes the raking job easier but they're too heavy and slimy for mulch. Then thousands of inedible green figs, pecked by the starlings, fall off and make a separate mess on the ground. What a peach of tree.


How is your week going?  Despite the decisiveness of the election and the intense desire to move forward, it still feels like Groundhog Day. The virus spread is of great concern in our state, as it is everywhere. There's an emergency briefing today in Olympia, which will likely bring more restrictions. 

Remember the virus started in Washington back in January, a lifetime ago. The state cracked down and we've never really reopened. So I'll get a quick haircut while I still can, and make a final trip to Costco for 2020. Then we hole up and wait for a better new year.

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