Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Sad sight

I haven't worn anything nice from this dusty closet for six months. My daily uniform is t-shirts and jeans or stretchy yoga pants. The black Costco t-shirts I once wore to the gym are all faded and stained from cooking. Ugh.

No one asked my opinion, but John looks just as bad around the house, like a clean hobo, in old sweats and ancient long sleeve-polo. And he hasn't had a haircut since way back when?

As summer turns to fall, we always look forward to the Symphony starting up again. Not this year. They cancelled over half of our season concerts last spring, at least 8 tickets wasted. OK, that's a donation to a hard-hit arts organization. At the time, it seemed inconceivable we wouldn't be going to concerts in the fall.

John purchased our 2020-21 season tickets way back in February. Now that hurts. And the total lack of communication from the Symphony, except for a postcard every few weeks asking for more donations.

I suppose subscribers can call and "demand" their money back, but that's not very classy. It would be nice to know something about their plan for the season ticket holders, but perhaps there isn't one. It's sad thinking about our beautiful Benaroya Hall empty all these months.

All we can do is hope for a better future and try to enjoy the present moment. We're having the most exquisite stretch of weather.  Clear sunny skies, cool mornings, temperatures in the mid-70's. It just doesn't get any nicer in Seattle.

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