Monday, August 24, 2020

Fruits and vegetables

Doesn't that fruit look delicious?  It's from a roadside stand outside Wentachee, but everything is still green, hard and sour.  Most of it will probably ripen, but in the old days, the best ready-to-eat fruit was sold only at the orchards. Now I think the growers get rid of the leftovers on site, and send the good stuff to big city markets. That's my theory.

But at least the corn was good! And I bought some local garlic. Very small heads and expensive, but the cloves are pungent and juicy. Did you know most supermarket garlic in this country comes from China?

Not that's what I call home grown produce. Tom dug some carrots and beets from their property garden for us. I found a recipe for Mexican hot pickled carrots and peppers. You know, that condiment that's sometimes on the table in authentic Mexican restaurants.

Nobody is neutral about beets, you either like them or not.  (Me yes, John no.)  This is too many for even a beet lover to eat at once, so I roasted them in the oven to freeze for later.

We've sure been busy since we got home. Which makes a nice change from boredom and lethargy.
Ha ha!

That's cutie Maya and pet. As always, it was hard to say good-bye. We're exploring some different ways we can be together more.  The time just goes too fast to waste.

1 comment:

  1. Try dicing the beets, dicing a white onion, mixing same with pickle relish and enough mayo to moisten. Refrigerate. Makes a tasty salad. You used to be able to buy diced beets in a can, but I haven't seen any in years. I've been reduced to dicing the sliced ones, which are the only ones available any more.
