Feathers and Flowers is nine years old this month. 2,721 posts of daily trivia, ramblings, rants and family milestones, big and small. My heartfelt thanks to my little group of followers who have been along since the beginning.
Looking back over the years, despite some deep and sad losses, how lucky we are. Blogging can sometimes feel solitary and self-centered, but Amanda said the other day she was grateful how the stories and pictures on Feathers and Flowers document her family life, too, especially the times when she's been much too busy to journal or organize digital photos.
That alone makes it all worthwhile, so every six months I order anther "blog book" for her to keep someday. As long as I feed my Google Wallet account, the blog will exist somewhere out in The Cloud. But nothing lasts forever, and there's something nice and tangible about holding paper books. Once a librarian, always a librarian.
I also like looking back at the times we would have otherwise forgotten. I'm struck by how redundant the blog is over nine years (ditto my life) and yet, nature always seems fresh and new. At least, I never tire of writing about it, or posting pictures of lilies year after year.
Getting back to June 2009. What a month. It seems like another lifetime. Amanda and Tom expecting Nova, baby showers, happy times at the barn with my dear Sizzle, the garden absolutely bursting with flowers, quiet days in West Seattle before the building boom, random stories, and always-- cooking.
You can find the complete blog archive down on the left side, but this link should take you right back to June 2009:
June 2009
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