Monday, March 12, 2018

All sorts of adventures

The Seattle Center
 Inside the Children's Museum

Dr. Nova, the optician
 Hamming it up

Saturday was non-stop action. We went to the Children's Museum in the morning then played around at a rather extreme kids climbing park under the Space Needle.

As you see, it was a beautiful day. The girls raced everywhere they were so excited about the green grass.  No snow! So many cartwheels in so many places! They pulled off their jackets immediately because it was "too hot."  Well, about 55 degrees...but we're getting there.  Spring is just around the corner, and it's a lovely time in Seattle.  Who can blame them? We all go a bit crazy when the first nice weather finally arrives.

After we came home, Amanda took off for a solo shopping trip in the afternoon. The girls and I were just playing around in the yard when suddenly, Nova yelled, "Nana! Look! A Mouse!"  

Nope, not a mouse, it was Mr. Ratty.  He crawled out from under the shed, walked across the lawn right in front of us, then disappeared under the deck.  A few minutes later, he did the same thing in reverse.  Oh, dear. Even for a brazen Seattle rat, that was very peculiar behavior.  "Creepy," said Maya.

I think Ratty was having a bad day. I think Ratty ate something under the shed that did not agree with him. I even felt a little sorry for thirsty Ratty.  (As much as you can.)

If I'd been outside working alone, I might have dispatched him with a rake, but I didn't want the children seeing "that side" of Nana.  So we went inside and played with Play Doh for the rest of the afternoon.

I have not seen him since.

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