Friday, June 9, 2017

While the cats' away

It's a beautiful mess, but still a mess.  And in only four days?  Roses and peonies flopping, everything needs deadheading, staking and tidying up.  The garden was at a glorious peak last week and now the changing of the guard.  As always, the season moves too quickly from late spring into summer:  lilies, hollyhocks, clematis, daisies, dahlias are up next.

I seldom work in the garden for long hours anymore (I'm too old and too busy) but I'm constantly puttering around out there, so work piles up fast when I'm away.  I'll be busy this weekend in the cool Seattle overcast. Nice work if you can get it.

John ate teriyaki twice a day, added to the mountain of dirty laundry and played in peace with his stash of audio equipment. But he has some extra chores when the housekeeper is away, like watering the garden.  My flight was slightly late yesterday, so we were happy to see each other at 4:30.

I made homemade bean soup from the freezer and we watched another episode of "House of Cards."  We're streaming over Netflix, and I was afraid he'd cheat and binge watch a few while I was gone, but he says he didn't.  I took a bath and was in bed by 8:30.

We had a great time together in Las Vegas.  Thank you, Dad for all the great restaurant meals.  And Marji, for the deluxe limo service around town.

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