Thursday, February 26, 2015

Nature repeats

The weather turned chilly and damp again, but nothing can hold back spring now.  The cherry trees are blooming on our street, the crocus are almost finished and the daffodils starting.  Everyone loves daffodils. They come back year after year in unexpected places and don't peter out like fancy tulip bulbs.

Speaking of tulips, I vaguely remember planting a big bag of bulbs from Costco last fall. I don't remember what color. I like surprises, but sometimes I'll use that little Google search box up in the left corner to look up when we did things, find recipes I forgot how to make, or marvel how fast the babies turned into little girls. If that's not a sign of approaching old age, nothing is!

But there's nearly 2,000 posts written over 6 years, so the humble blog is becoming a family journal of sorts. I've been blogging long enough to see redundancy with things like crocus, cherry trees and clematis.

Am I becoming a bore? But then Nature repeats herself, endlessly, which is why we love Her.

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