Friday, October 25, 2013


We're not around teenagers much anymore, although the way time flies I guess Nova and Maya are right around the corner.  So it was fun going to Lincoln Park yesterday with my good friend Julie to watch her daughter Mary run in a conference cross-country meet. 

It brought back memories of Amanda's cross-country days when she was at Seattle Lutheran High School.  That was a much smaller school, but still the same experience at Lincoln Park.  Parents, teachers and students cheering on the runners as they take off, and then emerge out of the woods once or twice before going over the finish line.  There isn't much to see in cross-country, except the kids and their antics when a few hundred of them get together, which is pretty delightful in itself.

All that energy, health, beauty and potential is a breath of fresh air, when we're constantly bombarded by bad news.  You can't help but wonder what these kids will accomplish with their long lives ahead.
Julie and Mary
Oh yes, along with running cross-country, Mary is a senior and honors student, plus a finalist for National Merit Scholarship. She plays the violin and viola and pretty much aced the SAT test.  And that's just for starters.  She's headed to university next year to study medicine.  The world needs you, Mary. Way to go!

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