Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Where are the swallows?

It rained over two inches in Seattle this past weekend, making it the wettest April weekend since they started keeping records at Sea-Tac Airport in 1948.  If you flew here from say...Colorado, getting off the plane would be like opening that door to the Emerald City in the Wizard of Oz movie.  So green it almost hurts your eyes.

Take your pick of weather across the country this morning-- warm in the East, a blizzard in Colorado, hot winds in California and tornadoes slashing across the plains.  It's spring.

Speaking of that, I've been watching for the first swallows out at the barn. It isn't really spring until they get here, all the way up from Central America.  Only the house sparrows are messing around their old nests in the barn rafters.  Are they late? We had to put the winter blankets back on the cold, muddy horses. I'm cooking bean soup this morning with the leftover Easter ham bone.  We're still on winter rations.

1 comment:

  1. It's 22 degrees in Montana. Although the sky is bright clear blue, a person really doesn't want to spend any time outside.
