Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Why do people collect?

There's a fine line between collecting and accumulating stuff. Some psychologists say hoarding and pack-ratting has to do with our hunter-gatherer instincts, which may be true, since 66% of us collect something.  I don't know the cowgirl or the men in these antique photos, and there's no way to justify your "need" for a brass donkey statue, but I was attracted enough to buy these things, bring them home and then find a place where they could start collecting dust of their own.  

But how much blue and white pottery can you pile in a cabinet?

How many useless knick-knacks can you cram in a kitchen cupboard?

How many spooky things can you bring home from garage sales?  Most of our collections are just oddities that have little value beyond sentiment, but things can still trigger fond memories and stories.  Maybe that's why it's so hard to let go. But in the end, we leave with exactly what we came in with.

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