Sunday, July 8, 2012

Violet sunrise

What could be prettier than violets on the Sunday morning breakfast table?  However, it won't be a day of lazy flower contemplation in this house. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.  A day ahead of projects, Home Depot trip and researching local plumbers on Yelp.  Last night John noticed a drip, drip, drip coming through the downstairs ceiling light fixture from (somewhere) in the upstairs bathroom. But exactly what pipe is leaking under the floor is the mystery of the day.  Oh, the joys of ancient plumbing.  Fortunately we have two bathrooms.


  1. Yikes. Will the Terrible Hotel have to close its doors during the height of tourist season? ;-)

  2. If the Great God of Ancient Plumbing is in a favorable mood, the hotel will be up and running no problem by the end of this month :-)
