One of the most delightful things about a garden, is the anticipation it provides.
W.E. Johns

It seems like the primroses get prettier every spring. They're outside all the grocery stores right now, and it's hard to resist picking up a couple each time. And they really brighten up the empty winter pots until other annuals show up. You can also buy inexpensive tulips and daffodils in "pony packs," just sprouting and ready to plant. They're small, I'm frugal, and I don't mind a little wait. These big pots outside the front porch should be nice for at least a month.

Everything is coming up willy-nilly in my garden. My flower beds are a jumble of 30 years of planting, digging, experiments, life, death, bugs and everything in between. Years ago, I was famous for my big dahlias, but they need space and sun. Over the years our back yard turned into a shady jungle, and I lost interest in them. But now with the Douglas fir gone and the fig tree decapitated, the micro-climates in the yard have changed back again. I'm partial to the perfect "ball" shapes like this white one I bought at True Value last week. The garish yellow one is called "Seattle." It will be at least six months until we see them bloom, but they really liven up the late summer beds.
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