Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Election Day


Did Americans take voting more seriously in the past? Seattle voter turnout is extremely low this election, even with important local races and taxing issues on the ballot. 

Only three city incumbent council members are running, which will remake the council one way or the other. Our current council has a track record of wasting millions while things have gotten steadily worse. They were solidly behind a "defund the police" movement without any alternative plan, which sent the city on a downward spiral we can't seem to recover from. The big issues here? Homelessness, crime, gun violence, affordable housing.

Change is inevitable, but it's sad for long time residents to see Seattle so transformed. Admiral district in West Seattle was a peaceful little neighborhood, but in the last few weeks there were several violent assaults within a few blocks of home, three of them in the parking lot of Safeway where I've shopped for 40 years. 

I was standing in line there yesterday, and a total stranger came up to say how concerned she was to see me carrying a shoulder bag. Older women are easy targets to knock down from behind and rob. 

So I'm supposed to leave the house now with just a single credit card, keys and phone carried in my pocket. Oh, yes, and don't forget driver's license. Maybe I need some cargo pants. After a lifetime of toting purses around everywhere, it's hard for women to give up their security blankets. What if I need a tissue? Hand sanitizer? Band aid? LIPSTICK, for crying out loud? 

As you know, Feathers and Flowers is not a political blog, but please:

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