Friday, September 15, 2023

Rosh Hashanah


These September days pass too quickly and the month is half over already. For many people, fall feels like more of a new beginning than frozen January. Autumn is also a nostalgic time, as nature transitions from summer to winter.

My knowledge of Judaism is pretty superficial, unfortunately, but the holiday that really speaks to me is Rosh Hashanah. The poet Marge Piercy called it "the birthday of the world."

Along with a celebration of new life, Jewish New Year also includes a period of self-examination, penitence and resolutions. These traditions are truly universal and all religions have something similar, such as Lent.

Anyway, autumn seems the best season to celebrate the new year, especially with delicious foods like sweet breads, apple cake, honey, roast brisket and matzo ball soup. Surrounded by friends and family, would could be better?

Have a great weekend. 


  1. Hi Sue, I just happened to click on your blog this afternoon and saw this one about Rosh Hashana! I love Marge Piercy, especially her interpretations of traditional Jewish prayers! Wishing you all a sweet autumn and new year!

  2. Hi Nancy,
    Yes I started reading Marge Piercy at "feminist workshops" in the 1970's which seemed quite radical gatherings.
    I still have her paperback poetry books from back then, what a long journey. She writes an interesting and opinionated personal blog I enjoy following:
