Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Does it spark joy?



I took a picture of the closet in Twisp before I left. I forget what I've got over there, and then bring the wrong things back. Anyway, time to stock the winter closet with old sweaters and woolly socks.

We bought some furniture from the former owner, but it's been interesting decorating a new house almost from scratch. I mean, actually putting some thought into it, instead of random accumulation. That famous PBS home tidier, Marie Kondo, says if you pick something up and it doesn't "spark joy" then out it goes.

Our home here is stuffed with 40+ years of living. It's a old charming place, with the emphasis on old. When I get home, the first thing that strikes me is how much we have, even though I took some of the "sparky" things over to Twisp, along with the extras. You really don't need 10 tablecloths in one place.

The drive back was nice yesterday on an early fall morning. John had my back the whole way in the new Honda. I hate using cruise control, so I'm not much fun to follow as I dilly dally along in the right hand lane.

I especially like the first 100 miles going down the Methow Valley and then along the Columbia River (what's left of it) to Wenatchee. The terrain is so beautiful and perplexing, I always wish I had a geologist in the car.  As I've said before, it puts us puny humans into perspective.

They were just starting to pick apples around Wenatchee. The pear crop was good, but don't know how well the apples did in such a scorching summer.  The Walla Walla famers said their sweet onions actually baked in the ground. 

Well, back to other home chores today. It's a sunny day in Seattle, but a fairly potent rainstorm coming just in time for the weekend.

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