Monday, July 12, 2021

Jam packed days


I've had a good time, but there hasn't been much vacation in the vacation house yet. I suppose that's to be expected, just getting accustomed to the property and trying to get the basics set up like lawn mowing, more of a challenge that I anticipated.  

In a rural town, people take care of their own yards or just let them go. We have quite a nice little lawn around the house that requires a hefty monthly investment in pricey town water, so I want to keep it as neat as possible. 

Anyway, all of this will work out. Everything is still new right now, so I shouldn't get frustrated.

Amanda's friend "gifted" me with about 25 pounds of sour cherries from their tree. She asked for a pie in return. Ordinarily I would be thrilled, but this turned into quite a project.

These are the variety of cherries that make the most delicious pies, and you can't buy them fresh at any store I know of. And they have to be pitted, every single one, quite a job since they're the size of small grapes. My old fingers gave out. Nova's young ones helped.

I don't have any pie making apparatus here yet, so we had to settle for cherry crisp instead. It was delicious.

Unfortunately it is very hot with poor air quality from wildfire smoke.  All the outdoor activities for the kids are cancelled today.  Bummer.



  1. Congratulations on the new vacation home!! Mark told me there was a surprise on your blog and what a wonderful one!! Twisp and the Methow Valley are beautiful areas, I loved going there for work! And wonderful that you can be close to the family! Enjoy!!

  2. Thanks, Nancy. We're getting a crash course on all the joys and hassles of a vacation home! Hope you can come visit sometime.
