Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Like a small miracle


Sorry to be so boring. Food remains the main topic of daily interest. On Sunday we made this chicken soup (stew, really) with Costco rotisserie chicken. The homey biscuits are right out of the box of classic Bisquick.  If you want to make a man happy, bake him a biscuit or cook him a meatball. 

Seems like thousands of home cooked meals over the last year. It gets old, even for people who love cooking.  We actually went out to a local restaurant last weekend, our first time inside any eatery. I have to admit it was a bit of a letdown-- just a pho joint, the inside cold and almost deserted, as you would expect at 25% maximum capacity.  The restrictions are still very strict in our county.

No condiments, menus, napkin holders on the table. Order from memory, take your mask off just long enough to eat and leave. They don't serve the complimentary French mini cream puffs anymore, which is the main reason we go to the mediocre Than Brothers Pho. It's going to be a while before restaurants feel somewhat normal again, and perhaps won't ever be the same. For now, home is here the food heart must reside.

In other news. Like a small miracle, the fridge calendar, for months completely blank except for things like nasty dentist appointments and shots, is suddenly dotted with enjoyable events. 

Like a four-night trip to Palm Springs this month to stay in the condo I booked almost a year ago.  In April, 5 nights at my sister's home in Las Vegas. A trip to the Methow Valley this spring. And some new challenges. The Hospice training program restarted at CHI Franciscan, and I have several classes coming up. Then there's a lunch invitations with (fully vaccinated) friends. And so on. It's a bit unnerving but exciting to stick our heads up out of the hole like a couple of gophers. 

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