Monday, March 29, 2021

La Nina Spring. Ick.


March came in like a lion and goes out like a lion. Yesterday it felt like winter never left. They warned us about this La Nina weather pattern: colder and wetter than usual in western Washington.

High up on the hillside at Amanda and Tom's property, the snow is retreating in the strong sun. That's Maya checking out the fall-planted garlic crop, just starting to poke up. In a few months, this barren patch will look like the Garden of Eatin' again. Everything grows like crazy up there, go figure.

Yesterday a violent storm blew through Seattle with heavy bands of rain and wind. Then it was over. Flocks of birds chattered like crazy all day in the yard, pecking and eating. The robins gobbled worms as fast as they could in the flower beds. Our lawn (mostly moss) must be a good source of insect goodies. The small pleasures of a chemical free yard. Hopefully John can do the first mow before Easter, a tradition along with cleaning the windows.

My sister said the desert southwest has also been cold and windy. Wind is the real scourge of desert living, keeping people inside. April is the nicest time of year in Las Vegas, so we're looking forward to warmer days when we visit them.

Anyway, enough boring weather talk. I think we're finally turning a corner, and they're talking about 60 degrees by the end of the week. On Saturday afternoon the sun came out for a while, quite warm, and I grilled steaks and vegetables. A change from the endless winter soups and stews and stir fries.  But like most people, I'm tired of my own cooking. No matter how good it is.

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