Monday, November 25, 2019

Eye candy

Who could resist a giant jar of absolutely perfect whole peaches? Hope they taste half as good as they look. I'll open it later when the girls are here, and in the meantime enjoy the sight sitting on the counter. You gotta love Costco sometimes, and they sure have that impulse purchase thing down to a fine art.

My freezer, fridge and cupboards are always well stocked, but even people who like cooking run out of inspiration sometimes making the same old variations on pasta, stir-fries, tacos, chili, soup, stew, cutlets, so on.

So last night, for a summery change, I made a garbanzo bean salad with a lemon vinaigrette. It was tasty and healthy, and we probably should have stopped right there...

But no, to go with it, not so healthy but also tasty lamb burgers from PCC market. It wasn't raining so I actually made them on the grill in the dusk, which was a good thing, because these are a fatty mess if you fry them on the stove.

With that wonderful smelly smoke wafting around the neighborhood, I bet people were wondering about the new Greek restaurant.

It's snowing in the mountains now, and temperatures are about to take a real dive in the lowlands. Cold turkey week.

Amanda, Tom and the kids are staying home this year so it will be a quiet holiday. I'll make a turkey dinner for John and my brother Dave, and we'll have a relaxing day.

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