Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Treats and tricks

I'm late to my computer this morning-- busy decorating cookies for John to take to work tomorrow. Halloween already, where did the month go?

Speaking of things slipping by, I'm kicking myself because I missed the October drawing class I registered for back in July.  The community college cashed my check, so I was signed up, but they didn't mail out a confirmation or anything to jog my memory. Long story short, the dates didn't get written on the fridge calendar. Being somewhat brain dead from jet lag in late September, I simply "forgot."  The way of things to come?

None of that, of course, is any real excuse for someone who carries around a fancy iPhone with sophisticated calendar features. A scribbled paper calendar is pretty lame, but I still like seeing the whole month, and not have appointment reminders popping up the day before.  Some old habits are hard to change.

Well, speaking of simple tricks, it's hard to beat a baked apple this time of year.

These are Roman Beauty apples I bought this weekend in central Washington.  Cored, peeled halfway and "stuffed" with a mixture of brown sugar, chopped nuts, cinnamon and currents.  Baked covered with foil until fork tender and almost falling apart.  Scoop of vanilla ice cream.  Comfort food for dark times.

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