Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Let there be light

Did you catch the depressing report on climate change in the news cycle yesterday? We only have a few years left to avoid "disastrous levels of global warming."  To do that, the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says, would require "rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society."

Some of those changes include: Less travel and more use of ride-sharing and hybrid vehicles. Consuming 30% less animal products would help, since livestock is responsible for almost 15% of greenhouse gases. Finally a shift to more sustainable behavior in our buildings. The poorest half of the world’s population - 3.5 billion people - is responsible for just 10 percent of carbon emissions, despite being the most threatened by the catastrophic storms and severe weather shocks linked to climate change.

Americans are spoiled, and here's an example. There are millions of people who would be grateful for one electric light, but I still miss all those flattering, soft, old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs we used to take for granted. Our house is pretty much switched over to energy efficient bulbs so we've done our small part, but it's been a painful process.

John has the thankless job of keeping the place stocked in light bulbs. For such a small house, we use an astonishing variety of different bulbs. I would have replaced the precious old ones as they slowly burned out, but he's a cold turkey kind of guy, and switched everything in one weekend.  Leading to pitiful cries of "What HAPPENED to my lights in here?"

The packaging for energy efficient bulbs tout the "natural bright light." It's a lie. The "warm light" ones have a greenish or yellowish cast. I'm getting used to looking slightly jaundiced now in the bathroom. But those were even worse in the kitchen, making it look like an aquarium, so we switched out "warm" with "bright white." More of a bus station kind of harsh light that casts shadows, especially when it is dark outside, as it is for most of the winter here. Yes, I am spoiled.

Seattle City Light sends a shaming report along with the monthly bill that compares your usage to your neighbors. I guess a better report card will be some consolation. 

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