Tuesday, January 2, 2018

What comes down must go up

On the last day of Christmas, my true love handed me:

5 big tubs,
4 plastic boxes,
3 cardboard cartons,
2 plastic bags,
And a toy sleigh without the reindeer...

You know the tune.  It took all weekend to undeck the halls, but Christmas is finally stowed away for another year.  Everything gets hoisted up through this rather small hole in the hall ceiling.  After all these years we have the teamwork thing down, so it's not as horrific as it looks.

The house suddenly feels spacious, without a big dry tree and 12 cartons of decorations strewn around.  It was a beautiful New Year's Day in Seattle, so the bright sun highlighted all the cobwebs and dust.  I spent most of yesterday cleaning, including the wood floors, which hadn't been touched since before Thanksgiving.  That's a lot of crumbs, folks.

I put some barbecue ribs in the oven and let them cook all afternoon while the smell slowly drove us crazy.  So we had a simple and final indulgent holiday dinner.

Cabbage and pork is considered good luck food on New Year's. The Pennsylvania Dutch and Germans made sauerkraut, and John's mom cooked pork with boiled cabbage.  They would always call from Ohio and tell us about their lucky lunch.  Oh, how we miss hearing their happy and optimistic voices on New Year's Day.

How about them resolutions?  I have some new ones to add to my recycled list.  For example, stop thinking, reading and obsessing so much about POTUS. This too shall pass, and it only adds to the cloud of anxiety and despair in the country.  Instead, I'll do what little things I can to make this world a better place and find a new volunteer position that lifts my spirits.  Maybe the Audubon Society?

And here's some glowing faces to brighten our first week of January. Thanks, Amanda for the fun sledding pictures.

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